libvterm is a purely abstract C99 library that implements the bulk of the logic of being a terminal emulator. Bytes from the PTY master are fed into it by the containing program, and it maintains the abstract state of the terminal; the position of the cursor, the state of the pen, what charcters are where with what attributes, and so on. It calls callback functions registered by the containing program, to inform it of damaged screen regions that need repainting. Two of the main selling points of the library are
- It is purely abstract C99, doesn't rely on POSIX or any particular rendering/UI system
- During normal operation of just feeding it bytes and processing events, it does not use the malloc system.
pangoterm is a GTK/Pango-driven embedding of this libary, in a simple single-.c-file application, mostly for me to develop and test it. It is currently maintained in the libvterm source tree.
For a while now this combination has been complete enough to drive vim sufficient to edit its own source code - pangoterm and libvterm are now self-hosting. A couple of weeks ago I finally managed to fix the last of a number of small issues making it not quite perfect. Last week I also managed to get pangoterm to completely correctly render a Tickit-based program; the final missing piece being some of the mouse tracking modes.
I now have a bit of extra configuration in my .vimrc to take advantage of a few of pangoterm's abilities, such as support for italics.

As well as italics, it also supports strikethrough and alternative fonts, although so far I've only managed to find one alternative font that actually looks at all decent alongside DejaVu Sans Mono. These are all shown off quite well by Tickit's example script here.

And finally here, a demo of the xterm-like 256 colour handling.

These screenshots briefly show Tickit working nicely with pangoterm. Sometime soon I shall get around to writing about Tickit in more detail, and also explaining some of my further plans for the whole Tickit+libtermkey vs libvterm combination.